Reduce The Chance Of Your Facebook Ads Account Being SHUT DOWN

Facebook Ads compliance is boring.

That's what most Facebook advertisers will say.

At least until they lose their ad account, then they pay attention.

But compliance is often the difference between being able to run ads or not.

In this video Jim Banks will walk you through the high level items included in a Facebook Ads Business Manager account and why you need to be mindful of the content within your Facebook Ads Business Manager account.

If you want to jump ahead to other parts of the video here are the timestamps for when Jim talks about certain aspects.

00:00 Introduction
01:21 Facebook Business Manager
02:13 Images & Videos
03:39 Facebook Billing
05:34 Facebook Attribution
08:48 People Access in Business Manager
09:34 Ad Accounts in Business Manager
10:40 Brand Safety
14:11 Events Manager
14:46 Account Quality
16:28 Catalog
17:20 Facebook Pixel
20:31 Line of Business
21:58 Business Settings