Exploring Bad Business Choices and SEO Insights with Ash Nallawalla

Today, we have an incredible story that traverses continents, careers, and the evolving digital age. Joining me is Ash Nallawalla, an SEO consultant with an extraordinary journey. From his humble beginnings in Bombay, India, to his unexpected career shifts in Australia and New Zealand, Ash has navigated the turbulent waters of technology, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

In this episode, we discuss the challenges of competing with AI in the publishing industry, the highs and lows of SEO consulting, and the hard lessons learned from undervaluing one's services. Ash opens up about his struggles in the mid-80s trying to break into the computer industry, his eventual success in desktop publishing, and his pivotal role in growing Melbourne PC user group’s internet service.

We also delve into the nitty-gritty of SEO, the significance of understanding search intent, and the balance between SEO and PPC in digital marketing. Plus, Ash shares valuable insights from his book, 'Accidental SEO Manager,' and the unique hurdles he faced in getting it published.

Time Stamps

00:00 A hobby of writing to famous people
05:34 High living expenses lead to job search
08:25 Learning computers led to useful job opportunities
11:49 Used proprietary workstation with eight-inch floppy disks
13:17 Career path includes editing, managing, volunteering in tech
16:10 Early PPC client made absolute fortune coding
21:00 AOL discs flooded market, still popular
25:27 SEO experts often struggle with business skills
28:03 Word "pizza" context varies with location, time
31:59 Struggled with naming company, felt defeated in SEO
35:21 Big companies driven out by shareholder interests
36:26 SEO challenges in C-suite decisions and successes
39:21 Passionate SEO specialist drove substantial revenue growth
44:49 Author rewrites book to appeal to managers
47:01 Book success based on title and image
49:47 Link in show notes to Ash's book
52:52 Spend time with grandkids, enjoy life